Fulfill Your Low-Carb Dreams With This Low-Carb Cloud Bread

If there is one particular meal that most of us can truly appreciate, it’s bread. It may not be the entire meal but it’s something that we enjoy, regardless of whether it is the first thing that goes on the table at a restaurant or if it is wrapped around the sandwich. Unfortunately, there are many of us who are unable to enjoy bread because we are on a low-carb diet.

If you’re trying to restrict carbohydrates for any reason, then this low-carb cloud bread is going to be the perfect choice for you. It is fluffy and light and absolutely low-carb perfection. In fact, you may enjoy this particular recipe so much that you can make it, regardless of whether you are restricting carbohydrates or not!


3 eggs, yolks and whites separated
3 tablespoons cream cheese
1⁄4 teaspoon cream of tartar
2 teaspoons artificial sweetener


Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Prepare a large baking sheet with nonstick spray.

In a medium bowl, combine the egg yolks, cream cheese, and sweetener until smooth.

In another bowl, add the cream of tartar to the egg whites, then beat with a hand mixer on high until they are fluffy and form stiff peaks.

Gently fold in the egg yolk mixture into the beaten egg whites until just combined, being careful to keep the mixtures fluffy.

Scoop the mixture evenly into 10 even circles on the baking sheet (about the size of a small burger bun).

Bake on the middle rack for about 30 minutes, however baking time could vary depending on your oven. Check on them frequently to remove when they become golden brown.

Cool “buns” on a cooling rack. They will seem to be a crumbly cooked meringue texture, however, once completely cool, seal them in a ziploc bag or air-tight tupperware overnight – the next day they will be a more bread-like, soft texture.