As far as snack choices are concerned, you would be amazed with how many options you have available. Just taking a walk up and down the snack aisle at the grocery store shows a plethora of options, from sugary cookies and cakes to crackers and almost anything in between. Although you certainly do have a lot of choices, never underestimate the power of popcorn. It is a favorite snack of almost everyone and if you haven’t made popcorn recently, tonight should be the night.
Although many people will simply throw a bag of popcorn in the microwave, you may want to rethink that option. Microwave popcorn tends to be quite unhealthy, but how do you get beyond the ease with which it is popped? Quite simply, you just learn how to do popcorn in your wok.
If you thought microwave popcorn was easy, you are absolutely going to love doing it this way. Most people consider the wok to be perfect for stirfry but the fact is, it is just as perfect for making popcorn as well. So it’s time to put away the microwave popcorn, and forget about that expensive popcorn maker. Use your wok and you will have the perfect snack tonight.