Many of us look forward to Easter, as it is in a beautiful time of the year and it typically has a lot of treats that are associated with it. It is especially beneficial for those who have a sweet tooth, as there tends to be a lot of different treats lining the shelves at the local stores.
One of those treats that certainly should not be overlooked are Easter peeps. They may just be balls of marshmallow sugar, but they are an Easter tradition that finds their way into many households. When you mix them with a cake mix, as is shown in this video, you end up with an Easter treat that will become a tradition from this point forward.
– 1/2 cup butter
– 4 egg yolks
– 1 egg
– Yellow box cake mix
– Sprinkles
– 3 1/2 cups white chocolate chips
– 1 can sweet and condensed milk
– Vanilla extract
1. Combine your cake mix ingredients with some sprinkles and press that dough into a cake pan.
2. Bake for 18-20 minutes.
3. Melt the white chocolate chips and combine the can of condensed milk with vanilla extract to make the fudge layer. Pour the fudge evenly over the cookie bar.
4. Line the Peeps up however you’d like (we suggest lining them side by side so everyone gets a Peep) and throw some sprinkles on top.
5. Put the cookie bars in the fridge to set. Once set, cut into rectangular bars and serve!