In today’s busy world there is a lot of focus on simplicity. Many people try to simplify their life and it can be beneficial, but there are also ways to simplify things within your life that can make a difference as well. One of those factors that you are sure to appreciate is when you simplify your food. Having enough time to make a meal for your family, after all, is something all of us could appreciate.
Of course, just because you are simplifying your meal does not mean you need to settle for something common. When you see this simple one pot pasta dish, you will recognize that it is not only possible to have your cake but you could eat it too! You can whip up a delicious batch of this pasta in no time at all and your family will not be able to tell that you did not slave over it all day.
It is very simple to do, just follow the video and put the ingredients together that are listed below. This is a dish that is not only delicious, it looks fantastic and it is certain to be a favorite in your household.
200 grams spaghetti
200 grams cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
100 grams baby spinach leaves
1 small onion, finely sliced
3 garlic cloves, finely sliced
1 red chili, finely chopped
small handful of basil leaves, roughly chopped
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
50 grams pecorino cheese, grated
sea salt and ground pepper, to taste.
First slice the cherry tomatoes in half and then finely slice both the onion and garlic cloves. The red chili should be finely chopped up but the basil only needs to be roughly chopped. Take a large frying pan and place the pasta on the bottom center, then arrange the onions on both sides. Add in the tomatoes, spinach, garlic, and chili to both sides of the pan and sprinkle the chopped basil atop it. Drizzle on the olive oil, shake some salt and pepper on, then add 600 ml of water (or chicken stock).
Place the pan over medium-high heat and bring it to a boil. For al dente pasta, cook for approximately 9 minutes, stirring regularly with tongs. For a more well done, softer pasta cook for a minute or two longer. Remove the pan from the stove when most of the liquid has evaporated and created a yummy sauce. Add in the pecorino cheese, a little more basil if you’d like, and salt and pepper to taste. Serve and enjoy!