Jell-O is one of the timeless desserts that it seems everybody loves. If you have not had it in quite some time, you will find it to be quite nostalgic to enjoy eating it again. Although there are many ways to make Jell-O, this dessert makes it a lot more fun.
The recipe is for Rainbow Jell-O and it is not only beautiful, it is easy to make and delicious. You can serve this to your children as an afterschool snack or try serving it at a party. Regardless of who happens to eat it, you will be amazed with the smiles that you are putting on people’s faces.
6 small packages of different jello colors
4 packages of unflavored gelatin
1 can sweetened condensed milk
You will make this in a glass 9×13 pan.
First layer: Mix 1 package of any flavor jello with 1 tsp gelatin and 1 cup boiling water. Cool and pour into pan; refrigerate until set. Make sure your pan is on an even surface so your layer is level. It takes about 30 minutes to set up in the fridge before you can move on to the next layer. Important While waiting for your Jello to set, make the next layer and leave it to cool on the countertop.
Second layer: Mix 1 envelope gelatin (or 2 tsp bulk powder) with 1/2 cup hot water until dissolved. Add 1/2 can condensed milk and an additional 1/2 cup hot water. Once cooled pour 3/4 cup (just enough to cover the Jello and make a thin layer) of the milk mixture over the set jello and refrigerate until firm. It takes 30 minutes for this layer to set up in the fridge. As soon as you put the white layer in the fridge to chill make the next color jello so that it will have 30 minutes to cool on the counter.
Repeat first and second layer directions ending with a color jello layer. Half way through the process you will need to make the other half of your white mixture. The first time I made this I made the white layer all in one batch and ended up with a bowl of jelled white mix before I was done because it takes so long for the layers to set. If this happens to you just immerse the bottom of your white mixture bowl in hot water until it liquefies again.
Once you run out of white mixture then Mix 1 envelope gelatin (or 2 tsp bulk powder) with 1/2 cup hot water until dissolved. Add the other 1/2 can condensed milk and an additional 1/2 cup hot water. Once cooled pour 3/4 cup (just enough to cover the Jello and make a thin layer) of the milk mixture over the set jello and refrigerate until firm. Continue repeating layers until you are done. You may want to have an extra can of sweetened condensed milk on hand just in case you run out!
Once finished, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight to set. Then just slice into rectangles and serve!