How To Make Cabbage More Visually Appealing

I can’t say that I am very healthy when it comes to eating and cabbage is certainly something that never sees the light of day around my house. But this amazing little twist has got me quite intrigued and I can’t wait to give this a go.

But this clever little recipe may well change my mind, it has certainly made me want to give it a try and as cabbage is very inexpensive and this dish takes mere minutes to prepare, the barriers to entry are very small indeed. Watch the video below to see how easy this is to make and let us know in the comments, how you got on.

You’ll Need
– 1 tablespoon plus 2 more tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
– 1 medium head green cabbage, cut into 1-inch-thick rounds
– Coarse salt and ground pepper
– 1 teaspoon caraway or fennel seeds

Easy, right? If you’d like written instructions, grab your printable recipe from the Martha Stewart site.